Goldsturm Black-Eyed Susan - 1 Gallon Container
Goldsturm Black-Eyed Susan - 1 Gallon Container
A colorful, fuss-free border plant and excellent choice for cut flowers. Bright, daisy-like, golden yellow flowers with black centers cover the dark green foliage. Tolerates heat, humidity, and clay soil. Honored as the 1999 Perennial Plant of the Year. An herbaceous perennial.
Mature Size: Reaches 24 to 26 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide
Blooms: Late Summer into Fall
Growth Rate: Fast
Light Needs: Full sun
Water Needs: Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry
Plant Spacing: 1 to 2 feet apart
Special Features: Easy Care, Waterwise, Fast Growing
Deciduous/Evergreen: Herbaceous