Pentas Lipstick - 18 four inch Containers
Pentas Lipstick - 18 four inch Containers
Pentas is one of the best pollinator-attracting plants around. It blooms all summer long, even during the hottest weather conditions. The large clusters of starry blooms on pentas are the perfect resting place for butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. The plant grows well both in the ground and in containers, and even makes a good houseplant if enough light is present.
Mature Size: Reaches 10 to 16 inches tall and 12 to 14 inches wide
Blooms: Spring to first frost
Growth Rate: Slow
Light Needs: Pentas will grow in partial shade but an area that gets full sun or at least 6 hours of bright sunlight every day is best
Water Needs: Plenty. Water an inch or two for every 2″ to 4″ inches of dry topsoil
Spacing: 8 to 12 inches apart
Special Features: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds