Lantana Little Lucky Pot of Gold

Lantana Little Lucky Pot of Gold

from $30.99

Lantana Little Lucky stands up well to heat and humidity and are more compact than other Lantana varieties.. Plant in full sun for best flowering.

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Mature Size: Reaches 10 to 12 inches tall and wide

Blooms: Spring, Summer

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light Needs: Full sun

Water Needs: Once established, needs only occasional watering

Plant Spacing: Plant 8-10 inches apart for a seamless planting. Otherwise, plant them over 12 inches apart for space between plants

Special Features: Attracts Butterflies, Easy Care, Waterwise, Compact Form

USDA Hardiness Zones: 8 - 11

Perennial in zones 8 - 11. In other zones they can be treated as annuals.