Autumn Fern - 1 Gallon Container

Autumn Fern - 1 Gallon Container


A bold and beautiful choice for shady borders and woodland gardens. A stunning dwarf fern with a flush of young papery fronds that emerge a copper-red color, then mature to a deep green. Spreads by underground stems. An herbaceous perennial.

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Mature Size: Reaches 18 to 24 inches tall and 18 inches wide

Blooms: Prized for foliage

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light Needs: Full shade, partial shade

Water Needs: Keep soil moist, but not soggy

Plant Spacing: 20 to 24 inches apart

Special Features: Dramatic Foliage, Easy Care

Deciduous/Evergreen: Semi-Evergreen

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 - 9