Catawba Crape Myrtle

Catawba Crape Myrtle

from $88.99

Displays large, long lasting clusters of dark purple crepe-like flowers. Handsome foliage has bronze hue in spring, is bright green in summer, and turns vibrant orange-red in autumn. Mildew resistant. Develops a nicely shaped naturally rounded dome as it matures. Deciduous.

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Mature Size: Reaches 15 feet tall and 14 feet wide

Blooms: Summer

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light Needs: Full sun

Water Needs: Water deeply when soil is dry

Plant Spacing: 14 to 20 feet apart

Special Features: Attractive Bark, Fall Color, Improved Pest and Disease Resistance, Waterwise, Non-toxic to Cats and Dogs, Benefits Birds

Deciduous/Evergreen: Deciduous

USDA Hardiness Zones: 7 - 9